Sunday, January 23, 2011


In short, India was great. I had a lot of emotional ups and downs. It went something like ... India-I'm so excited to see you!....India-you are so dirty and you have too many people.

What is up with all the spitting, peeing and trash in the streets? What's up with all the smoke? No , I don't want more tea and why are you waking me up at 6 am to offer me some? So apparently there are NO TRAFFIC rules that apply here??

Dear Lord make the honking stop. I feel dirty. You don't have a CT or MRI in this hospital? I can't handle any more starch.

A big mac, I just want a big mac. I'm right here-why are you bumping into me? You think your child has what now?

I wish I knew what you were saying. You said you knew how to get to my hotel, why are you stopping to ask random people for directions?

Didn't I see that same dog in that other village? Dude, stop starring at me!

These kids are so cute....

Jesus, Mary and Joseph I can't get on that plane again. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Monday, December 27, 2010

What's a blog?

Haven't blogged in many moons. I think I forgot how. The nice thing is coming back to this-there are finally nicer templates! Yeah.

So now I'm just talking to nobody since I haven't posted in so long, my fans are all gone :( . Big news people! (no I'm not pregnant) I'm going to India in 6 days!!! I've never been there but I have been itching to go on another international trip for a long time now. If you've never been to another country (a third world type) then you need to. You will seriously come back with a renewed outlook on life and your plot in life. I am so in need of this trip (hey, my life is great but as a resident it's easy to see the cup half empty at times....and I'm USUALLY a cup half full type of girl).

For the next few days I will be doing last minute packing. I'm all set with bug sprays, potions and lotions. All I need now is a mosquito net.

If I have internet access there I will try to keep a running update so you will know I'm alive since I don't think my iphone will work. (Caitie and Heather if you guys ever read my blog don't tell me about my many errors, I like to pretend that I have wonderful grammer with my commas and hyphens and everything else in perfect position and never any run on sentences never ever ever a run on sentence....ever).

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Puerto Rico Summer 2009

Went to Puerto Rico with the Malones this Summer

Saw the rain forest at El Yunque

Visited the best beach I've ever been to - Flamenco beach

The cousins bonded...

It was a good time. Miss you already PR.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Medical School Graduation

Me and Chris at the Marriott where my graduation was held.

Me and my classmate and now fellow pediatrician! Hoping we will be at the same training program in the future for fellowship. :)

Mom and Dad with me just after the ceremony. Their FIRST trip to Iowa!

At my graduation party that Chris put together. I didn't have to do a thing! I was so happy to have 4 of my tias come and celebrate with us. Wish all my tias could have come. It was nice to have them stay at our place, watching them play paco. And they cooked and cleaned with my mom too! It was awesome!

The parents with me and Chris.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thank you Tia Rosa!

Some guy came to my door this morning. I almost didn't answer because I didn't know who he was, but since I saw he was holding flowers-I opened the door anyway. Turned out to be a flower delivery man. Thank you Tia Rosa for the beautiful flowers! I feel your thoughts with me today on my graduation. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just Because...

Last week I came home and Chris had surprised me with these beautiful flowers. Pink tulips. My favorite flower and one of my favorite colors. He bought them "just because" which was so freakin awesome!

So today I bought him the new Mountain Dew throwback that just came out and is apparently only being sold for a few months. I know he's been wanting to try it. It's made with "natural sugar" instead of high fructose corn syrup. I don't know what it means by natural sugar-but whatever.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Grad Reception Chris is making for me.

Ana's Graduating

In August of 2004 the long journey through medical school began. Ana had her ups and downs but with God's words ringing in her ears, unshakable determination and faithful dedication she has finally done it. 2009 has arrived and Ana can see the finish line.

On May 15th, Ana Alvarado-Cary will be graduating from the University of Iowa Medical School and will begin as a first-year resident doctor.

You are invited to celebrate this occasion with us at an informal dessert reception on:
Saturday May 16th
Time: 2pm
Location: Englert Theatre
2nd floor Gallery
221 E. Washington St.
Iowa City, IA 52240

Click here to RSVP for the reception